And it would help if the Australian National University started appreciating that they have a world-class art school within their grounds and actually spent some time and money promoting it. Yesterday there was absolutely NO mention of the art school in any press coverage or ANU material. Shame, ANU, shame. Because that was where the action was.
As far as I could see from my attic window, grinding out artworks for my slave-mistress, it looked like a great Open Day, apart from the huge spaces between people. In the room across the corridor was an exhibition of student works, and I fell in love with these:

Kit's Cats, not to be reproduced please!
The artist's name is Kit, and I will update this when I find out her last name. Don't know the title of the piece, but I'm sure I can find out.

Detail, not to be reproduced please!
Plenty of people came through the Studio while I was working, a small proportion of them the maddies I usually get. It's always fun to talk to people about artist's books and printing.
One woman wanted to know the point of making artist's books, and how much people usually sold them for. I asked her (nicely) what was the point of getting out of bed in the morning and said that I've bought artist's books for as low as $3 and we're selling the studio's next production for $10,000. She walked away looking a bit stunned.
Then there was the woman dressed like someone's Easter-show-winning quilt who told me that she was more creative than anyone else she knew and that people didn't understand her. Hmmm, I said. You need a studio. I've got one, she said. I bought the building next to my husband's business. I bet he was glad to get her out of his hair, if only next door!
Gorgeous day, too. Pity about all the noisy jet planes circling overhead for the Australian Defence Force Academy's open day...
What is this fucking spam blogging? It's only just started happening in the last few weeks to me.
What keywords did I use to attract these? And what can I do to block them out?
I don't really want to have to ask you all if you're human, like Evil Pundit does. That seems a bit too paraoid. Is there an easier way?
paranoid. you know what I mean.
Is it because I mentioned the institutions by name?
Eww, it's like being cornered at a bar by someone with beery breath who blows spittle at you with every leery word.
Is there anyone not spamming out there who would like to rescue me?
That's it. I hate ads, and I hate spam. Sorry, but I'm getting a door bitch.
holy crap! what do they want here? Don't they know we don't give a stuff about satellite tv maine?
If it makes you feel any better, I'm getting a DB too, and I reckon so will everyone else on blogger before too long.
I just think it's weird that spam hits just when blogger sets up the gatekeeper tool.
But, what I really wanted to say was: those cats are Krazy, I love them! They remind me of russian dolls.
I wish I'd known about Art School open day in advance - let us know if any other good events are hapening. I love any opportunity to buy cheap art!
I like the ADFA open day too though.. lots to see and it is free.
Perhaps they should make a 5 institutions weekend of it - ADFA/ANU one day, and all the rest on Sunday.
Sorry me above - seepi.
ps - i have no idea how to get rid of hte 'comments' above. At least you can tell they are ads straight away.
That idea of a weekend open day is a good one! Im going to suggest it to my 'headmaster' tomorrow...
And the next good occasion to buy cheap but excellent student art will be the graduation show, which is usually the first week in December. I'll post on it when I know the actual date.
I'll give you just this one, EP!
Actually, I don't mind it. It's sort of like trying to walk a straight line when you're pissed....
I don't mind being asked if I'm human. Better to be asked than for people to assume I'm not. Actually, it could be worse: people could think I'm Harry.
* shudders *
Ducky - you can delete those repulsive posts you know. I got a whole lot after I used a great photo lifted from a german website. I beleive it was the 'bell cow' and when i deleted it the ugly spam comment stopped. There is a thing you can put on your blog links which sucks up these people and spits them out. check it on top of my Links at GAP.
Thanks for the groovy cat dolls.
well you can see why i deleted my comments.
re "at least you can tell they're spam", wel it took me a while :0-)
maybe my brain was addled after looking at spanking sites (via sparkly pink princess's site.)
forgotten what i was gunna say now. How spammy am I?
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