So. Some quick snaps, of the cats of course, because I know that's what is important to many of you.
Mr Pooter and Mr Padge are now about 16 months old. Padge has taken after his father, Best Beloved. He likes to peruse dictionaries and write letters to the paper and whichever companies and institutions have upset him during the week. His latest letter is to the ACT government about unleashed dogs on cycling paths. A very important issue for prowling cats.

Of course, he ties his own bowties. Anyone who doesn't is just not worth knowing.
Mr Pooter, on the other hand, takes after Mother. He likes to curl up with a novel, or sit at the computer and see what's happening in blogosphere.

If he reads something he likes, he'll comment.

He doesn't like commenters who insinuate that he's an arsehole.

Now then, that's not funny.
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