Anyhoo, in the absence of my full attention, I thought I'd share the other activities in my household in the hope that it may amuse you for the 30 seconds you've come to visit:

Every weekend he's been making a preserve or some sort of jammy thing. This weekend it's lime marmalade and I think, judging by the ultra-fresh tang in the air, another batch of his celebrated lemon marmalade.

Bumblebee is actually at his dad's this weekend, but he left an assortment of lego creations to get underfoot. What you can see here is (clockwise from top left) a Dalek; something with really cool guns that can do amazing things but can't kill Daleks; an electronic mouse thingy with a butt bristling with lightsabres; and a little Dalek helper.
I know this is all you care about, really, so double helpings for everybody.

Mr Pooter has discovered lizards. I managed to rescue this one after taking a photo or two, but I'm not sure if lizards can survive after losing legs *and* tails...

Mr Padge decided to help me take all the stickers and tags off my pile of purchases after I visited the Bonds seconds sale the other day and stocked up on t-shirts and underwear... He got a bit antsy with the tags and even more with my camera cord...

Note the healthy amount of claw that cat can show!

Today, after a week of such excitement, the cats decided to cuddle up on my office chair...

Pooter wasn't quite sure that he was happy; maybe Padge had just murmured something rude...

...whatever it was, he was quite pleased with himself for saying it.
That's it. I'm getting late-night mutters from the bedroom :)
Postscript: fell in love with the Victoria Roberts cartoon in the Good Weekend yesterday, and regretted that I didn't get a chance to scan it, but goodly Galaxy has done it for me. Check it out, and feel your mouth water at the fennel bits.
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