Another page from RobinsOn cruSoE: an old reject photo, scratched into with a needle. Someone last night said it looked like it was white thread sitting on the surface of the page.
The opening of 65 Roses was delightful. It is a rich and beautiful group show, full of many interpretations on the theme of Rose. I'll try to take my camera in next time I'm there and share with you.
I wish I'd taken my camera last night! One of the sterling features was the catering. There was the usual slabs of cheese and fresh bread (albeit really nice choices of cheese) but also trays of gorgeous sweet things... nests of pink meringue, fragrant of rosewater, with dobs of fresh cream, then a rose-like whirl of strands of pink fairy floss, topped with a succulent fresh raspberry. They were arranged on the trays atop dried rose petals. Glorious and delicious. I need a camera phone.
The guest speaker was the Head of Paediatrics from the Canberra Hospital. He spoke with charm and persuasion, and outlined for us the dedication and discipline needed to master Cystic Fibrosis by both the young victims and their parents. It was very moving, and I'm sure he pushed sales of works along a tad. I bought a piece by Waratah Lahy, a beer can made from a pink & blue blanket and painted to look very realistic, with a rose-related label. I've been wanting one of her pieces for years, and now I can die happy (well, not really, still a lot to do yet).
They also had bowls of lolly raspberries on the food table, and I've been reliably informed that while I was hobnobbing, my son was eating handfuls of them. Today he is sick in bed with bad tummy-ache. He's going to stay in bed all day and drink lots of water. I don't think it's related to the lollies, but he doesn't need to know that. At the moment he's balking at the thought of anything raspberry flavoured. Heh.
Postscript: I think that Waratah link (to a JJJ article on her) should be ok, can't see what's wrong with it, but if it doesn't, try the more boring one, or google her yourself :)
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