Clever puss!
We spent a whole day at the Show. Here are some highlights:

All locked away so that no-one can run away with the precious things...

I don't know what this centre one is meant to be, but I know what it looks like (and when I gave it the file name of "Phallic_vegies" in flickr, it had 1 view within a second!)

I love this one's toothy grin

The bottom one looks like it belongs with the Valkyries

These don't have faces, but they sure have presence

This was the expression on my Nana's face whenever I left the house without wearing a bra. I like the inclusion of a cat in the display

I wasn't sure if this was a doll or a scarecrow. It was a weird, freaky height

Helpful signage

Threatening signage (At the Dodgem Cars -- we didn't know they came with Eject buttons)

Confused signage (I'm pretty sure they're gloves)

Overwhelming signage (she was the tiniest chook)

The winningest chook doing a double-take at all the attention

Such a handsome comb!


I call this one 'Beyonce'

The woodchop. I watched this for hours, waiting for a foot to come off or an eye to come out. It rocked. In this picture, the chopper on the right is a woman, and she kicked ass

The wrestling. IWA Pro-wrestling always makes me laugh. It's so pathetic! My 9-yo loved it, and I guess he's the right age to think it's all real. At one point he was hissing at the 'baddy' and giving him two hands of 'rude finger' when the baddy jumped out of the ring and headed his way. Bumblebee nearly shat himself. I laughed till I wept. No harm done, of course. The guy just leered at the little boys and went back to the ring. But I noticed B was a lot quieter after that! (He's the one in the rainbow t-shirt)

Street performers. This is Bumblebee, finally called out as a volunteer (his dream come true), about to experience a very scary stunt. He was very brave -- a personal milestone!

The secnd, scarier and more dangerous stunt. Bumblebee is at the front of the line to be jumped over. He did great. The guy at the back reminded me a lot of byrd -- same style, same words

The little dog says it all for me

This is one of the two little boys above. They were dressed in identical army greens, with black caps that read 'SWAT', and carried (with one hand) showbags containing guns bigger than themselves. The other hand held a pistol. I feel like I should report them to the Terrorist hotline

Local lovelies practicing their cat's-bum mouths

This young lad kept wandering around with his mates during the wrestling, bellowing 'POOFTERS!' at the wrestlers. What amused me was the fact that he kept his hands firmly in his pockets, wriggling nonstop. I think this photo catches the action beautifully. I'd say he likes the thought of men writhing around together on the ground... what do you think?

I reckon they should have had a comb-over competition. I saw lots of very inventive solutions to baldness during the day. But if they had, this man would have won hands-down. It was immaculate, with the 'fringe' trimmed nicely, and it didn't move in even the stiffest breeze. I'd like to know the secrets of his product use.
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