
Sunday, November 21, 2010


I had the weekend to myself while Best Beloved and Bumblebee went to visit friends in the Southern Highlands. It was lovely. I had a few wines at a lovely ceramics exhibition by Teffany Thiedeman and then rode my bike to Dickson to get some noodlebox yum. I rented a few DVDs (looking at them the next day, I wish I had made some better choices, but on the most part they were good) and then bought a box of yum, put it in the back basket of my bike and rode joyously home through the night as is my wont when I've had a few wines. At least on that leg of the journey I remembered to put on my helmet.

When I got home I discovered that the box had fallen and opened and I'd trickled a Hansel & Gretel trail of spicy Nasi Goreng all the way home. Luckily there was enough to make a meal, but not the usual extra leftover meal...

So, I had a weekend of watching DVDs while I hand-sewed some envelopes for my Book Art Object contribution, plus good quality studio time. I'm making a type sampler which entails actually sorting through all the assorted typefaces I have. You'd think I'd have done this before, but no, there's never really been time. Now I'm making time.

Actually, there's lots of time in the day at this time of year, when the cats wake one at dawn's crack with pillow purrs and paddy pats on the face to be let out to catch the dratted wattle-eater that has been teasing them for years in the front yard. Sigh.

Best Beloved almost lost the right to that title this afternoon. He rang me at the studio to let me know they'd returned, and this was the exchange:

BB: I did something bad, I'm afraid.

&D: What did you buy? (This being the usual way he tells me that he's bought something large, expensive or frivolous, or all three.)

BB: No, worse than that, sorry.

&D: Did you sleep with someone?

BB: No, um, worse than that even.

&D: What?! What could be worse than that?

BB: Um...

&D: Spit it out, man.

BB: We went to see Harry Potter without you.

&D: [shocked silence]

BB: You still there?

&D: you utter BASTARD!

He's making me a nice meal tonight, has just given me some dark choc-chips to munch while he & B make muffins, and has promised NO SPOILERS.

I'm considering forgiving him.


Sara Bowen said...

Oh dear.....

I'd keep him hanging on for a bit longer, I think, before I'd forgive him...

Mindy said...

There had better be a gold class ticket baked into those muffins I think...

genevieve said...

Holy shit. That IS bad. Lucky he's a damn good cook though.

Three Hundred Sixty Five said...

Perhaps there's a perfectly ghastly reason? Nah ~ it was done on the sly, you weren't to be told, then guilt took over........:-)

Anonymous said...

Very interesting.

Penthe said...

At least your blokes like Harry Potter. None of my blokes are a bit keen, the pinwangles. I might just bloody go by myself.

Friend in the Southern Highlands said...

We did it for the sake of the kiddies.

Mummy/Crit said...

I loved your noodle trail story, but BB is very naughty, but at least he knows it and is making up for it (or trying to ;-)

Gorilla Bananas said...

Good thing he didn't sleep with Harry Potter.

wisewoman60 said...

Hope he makes up for it with delicious cooking... for a while until you get over it. ... and you will.

Anonymous said...

Great, pls do forgive him. At least he is sincere

Alexis, Baron von Harlot said...

My dad and I had this ritual discussion every time he bought us ice-cream on the sly. "If your mother says the words, 'Did you have an ice-cream?', you shouldn't lie. But if she doesn't ask specifically about ice-cream, THERE IS NO NEED TO MENTION THE ICE-CREAM." I used to think that this was because my mother was opposed to ice-cream, but it belatedly occurs to me that maybe it was because she'd have felt deprived if we'd told her.

pk said...

If you ask me he did you a favour.What's that? You didn't ask and I can what? Dearie me.