
Monday, November 21, 2005

Try Chicken Wings

Spent nearly all the weekend typesetting a fundraising cookbook for Bumblebee's primary school. It's amazing what you can learn about your school community from their recipe submissions. Teacher A is allergic to wheat; Teacher B can't spell to save his life. Parent C is a recipe hog, submitting over ten recipes, and Student D really, really likes blueberries. We have some nice Nepalese recipes, Pakistani recipes and some from the Maldives. A few vegetarian numbers, but not many.

One parent submitted this:


1 Kilogram Thai chicken wings

1. Pre heat oven to 190 degrees.
2. Lightly grease a deep baking pan,
3. Place chicken wings in pan.
4. Cook for about 1 hour, turning once
5. Serve with salad and plenty of napkins

I shit you not. All that is missing is 'from the Woolworths Deli Counter'. I take full responsibility for pulling the recipe, seeing as how another parent gave us a recipe for marinated chicken wings that actually bothered to include the marinade ingredients. Sheesh!

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