I rode straight past my house, as I had a whim to see Zoe, and if I'd stopped off at home I would have flopped into a chair and stayed there, as is my post-printing habit.
As it was, I flopped into one of her chairs and was poured a large glass of wine, then invited to share a stupendously yummy curry dinner.
A few more glasses of wine later, we decided to participate in Drawmo together using Sage's CARS etch-a-sketch. So today I have a guest draw-er.
Zoe first, although she shows me up. This woman can draw. I love her drawings. She could be a wonderful artist, but she chooses to squander her talents on law, politics and blog design. Sigh. She's bringing up her son to be artistic, which is a. good. thing.
This is myself and Willa of Artwranglers. Drawing on an etch-a-sketch (that's a really hard thing to type after half a bottle of wine) is tricky because you can't just wipe out a part of the drawing without buggering up the whole thing. So it's all or nothing. No tweaking, just grit your teeth and do it. Zoe did this in one go.
I took a few false starts, trying to draw Nigel and the cat, but ended up doing Zoe herself, the kitchen goddess using her amazing juicer.
I took the photo from a distance because I wanted to feature the etch-a-sketch itself, Zoe being a car afficionado. So the decorative border is part of the portrait (which doesn't really look like her... or maybe it's what she looks like after half a bottle of white).
Then I got on my treadley and wobbled back home in the dark, to find Best Beloved making blackcurrent jam and Bumblebee roaring with laughter at Red Dwarf on ABC 2. Lovely. All's right with the world.
1 comment:
My head hurts a little bit.
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