Sigh. So I haven't managed any drawings, other than the ones in my head. So here's yesterday's, from the vault as usual (feeling very slack):
I drew this portrait of Australian poet Bruce Dawe whilst he was reading his work aloud at a Canberra poetry festival in either 2002 or 2003. Doesn't he have the best nose to draw? His poetry is good, too.
It's drawn right at the edge of a sketchbook page, hence the line on the left.
I'm still at the Book Stud, and there's nothing else in this particular sketchbook worth sharing, so I'll see what I can find when I get home for today's Drawmo. You never know, I might even skritch something up between riding home and going out to a friend's daughter's 21st (something that makes us all feel very old, like tribal elders. My friend was 16 when her daughter was born! Gawd, we could all be great-Aunties soon... if she was that was inclined, which she isn't.)
Yay Bruce Dawe! I think my mum's brother(s) knew him in Melbourne, but I've always been a bit vague on that fact... he does have a ripper of nose, you're right.
"a friend's daughter's 21st"...oh my
That's great, a truly excellent representation of BD. Makes him look like a character from a Trollope novel.
It's a nose to command armies with.
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