This is my exhibition, up until the 10th of September at the UNSW Canberra Library (aka ADFA) and I'm also giving an artist's talk this Saturday (25th) at 2pm if you're around and interested in hearing (as opposed to reading) the stories behind the work.
Big congratulations - for both the exhibition and the artists talk.
PS: Would you/could you remove the word verification thingy. Please. It usually takes me four or five frustrating attempts.
Thanks EC
I have removed it, but the reason I put it there is because of incessant spambots, and if they return, I mught have to reinstate it!
I'm sorry. I see they are back. Curses.
I'm hoping this weekend is cold and blustery so I can suggest that we go out and do something cultural. Not sure if we will make it to your talk, but definitely want to make it to your exhibit.
Hello! I'm here via Elephant Child's blog! I am fascinated by your work, and have so much I'd love to say, but it'll have to wait for another time. As EC knows, I've been trying to stay away from blogging because I get so caught up in it, I spend way too much time on it! Great to meet you. Anyone who's a friend of EC's HAS to be wonderful!
Just thought you'd like this - i never knew Anais Nin had her own hand press...
Hi Karen,
Your exhibition, up until the 10th September.... do you mean October? I hope so, it means I get to go along and see. XRebecca Mayo
Sorry, no, it was September! Oh, my poor blog, I have been so neglectful!
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