Just to stop my mind from running in my own loops I took some time out this morning to play with some real loops. I had a play with Fluffy's excellent animated gif instructions. I've been working on a program for the 80s trivia night at Bumblebee's school this weekend, and I used a space invaders cover theme. So here's my rough little incessant gif, as my first burnt offering to the universe, begging it to be kind over the next few days:

[I suppose I'd better let you local people know that if you're interested in an 1980s trivia night, also with a silent auction, it's on at Lyneham Primary this saturday night (tomorrow) from 6.30pm. There will be tables of 10, or you can join an orphan's table, I guess. Ring the school on 6205 6511 to book, or there will be limited tickets at the door.]
That gif is rather hypnotic and terrifying.
I've been a bit wurty too this week -- I had a great weekend, then the weather turned cruddy and Mr Kate went away for a month and work was very 'meh'. I am coping by spending a lot of time on the couch knitting socks. Seems to be working, but THE WIND is really starting to bother me in a slightly unhinged kind of way.
Hope the busy-ness and wurty-ness improves soon.
It's still windy.
Just had to tell someone that.
it's still windy here, too, Kate. windy and grey and coooold after all that beautiful spring springiness.
we're all a bit wurty at the moment, it seems... so you're in excellent* company, Ducky.
btw, well done on the gif! well done, and kinda painful ;)
* maybe
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