Easy Listening, by U.K. Frederick, at Megalo, opening 12 August at 6pm and running through to Sat 28 August.
A show about music and cars, music and love, music and life, portrayed through a series of vinyl record and cassette tape explorations. There's also letterpress, which is where I come into the scene, although Ursula did all her own setting and printing. You haven't lived until you've printed 'ELVIS' in large woodtype surrounded by stars onto baby pink metallic bookcloth. Our lives are now complete. A highly recommended show. Ursula is a very talented chick.
And next, but not second in quality, is Call of the Small, at Craft ACT, curated by The Shopping Sherpa. It's a teeny exhibition of teeny craft works, made very seriously by serious craftspeople, and shown in the Crucible showcase at the entrance to the gallery. There are books, knitted things, glass, furniture, and jewellery, among other things, and posters made by myself.
Like this

and this

The latter one making me giggle every time I think of it. Also, if you cruise through SS's blog (link above), she has lots of back stories for the works and the exhibition preparation, and also studio visits for most of the artists.
That exhibition also opens at 6pm on the 12th of August and finishes on the 25th of September.
Which means, since I return on the 26th of September, that I will completely miss both shows. Sob.
"It's a teeny exhibition of teeny craft works, made very seriously by serious craftspeople"
*Mental image of po-faced artists at work*
Thanks for the link. I'll have a glass of non bubbles for you (Craft ACT doesn't do champers, alas...)
Heh. I guess I meant that their size doesn't make them trivial! Non-bubbly will be fine. Lots of photos too, plz.
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