There were a lot of gnomes with sunscreen and sunglasses on, lots of corked hats, a few Gold Logies (just painted all gold), and a number of classics, such as
The Banomas in Pyjamas
Gnome Kelly (there were a few of these. This was my favorite)
Gnoma Everage (there were a lot of these) and Steve Gnomin. Steve was also a great favorite, and I captured a couple of variations...
Another Steve. I like his hair.
And an absence of Steve. Without labels, I suspect these are Bob and Bindi.
Then there were the more special Aussie Icons:
Kath n Kim
Johnny Howard, looking spectacularly normal
Either trying to be a lizard or something from Priscilla. I suspect the latter.
The Three Siblings...
... and The Gnome that ate Canberra
And then there were the extra special gnomes,
Ken Gnome
At the time we thought this was the Magic Pudding, but now I think it's a meat pie.
Marvellous Mr Squiggle
and my absolute favorite,
Florence Broadnome (or is that Florence Gnomehurst?)
One day I will enter this competition. I hereby make it one of my life goals.
that Mr Squiggle is fantastic.
The meat pie had me on the floor laughing (four and twenty gnomes...) Hope it won a prize (sadly, I suspect not)
Hi Ampersand Duck
Recently found your blog c/- a link from my friend Sister Sticks'. Your recent posts have been making me (ex-Canberra resident back in the far, far West) rather sentimental. The Floriade gnomes were particularly sensational.
Also, we used to have a cat, Ms George Pandamonia, who shared Mr Padge's bath water thing, very amusing and great photos.
Welcome, Warpgirl! Great name, BTW. Visit anytime. I seem to specialise in making ex-Canberrans homesick :)
Ahem. I seem to be logged in as byrd, who is camping in my backyard at the moment! Heh. That last comment was, of course, me.
Aren't the gnomes great!
We are also planning to enter one next year. The kids are already brainstorming.
I really liked Mr Squiggle and the Nani's in Jammi's. I actually thought the Little Johnny one was him in person ;) !
I've been perusing Florence Broadhurst's designs online, so was excited to see a gnome painted in her honour! Ned Kelly gnome, complete with crooked mask, is fab.
Ah, Floriade. I miss the aubergine coloured tulips. Beautiful.
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