Studio cleaned -- check
Press de-rusted and serviced -- check
Bumblebee's corner sorted -- check
Grotty corridor/alcove thing outside studio cleaned of junk and plinths -- check
Grotty corridor/alcove thing swept and set up for food & drinks -- do tomorrow first thing
Alcohol bought -- check
Gorgeous woman cooking up a storm to feed my visitors -- check
Other gorgeous woman fanging down the highway to help out with food arrangements -- check
Husband getting takeaway tonight and buying more supplies tomorrow -- check
Picked out nice frock or something to wear -- later
Hot bath run to soothe shoulder I've pulled moving typecases -- soon
Parents have rung to apologise for not coming -- check
To assuage their guilt, parents have promised to ring special people I've forgotten to ring -- check
Bottle of wine opened, ready for Torchwood -- check
Remember to breathe
I don't feel ready, but I guess I am. I keep reminding myself that it's only 3 little hours, but it feels bigger than that. The best thing is that I thought my lovely little Vandercook wouldn't be finished in time, which was going to be fine, but as it happens I picked up my newly refurbished rollers today, and it's now fully functional. So tomorrow really is a press launch -- my Vandercook press, in mint condition and purring like a kitten when it is turned on. I'm very happy, and eager to get some printing done sometime next week.
Anyhoo, hope to see a few of you there. Sorry I've been such a stranger!
Huzzah I say, and I'll say it again, huzzah!
good luck
have fun
and all that jazz
(wish I could get up to it... but what can I say - parents just don't organise their birthdays to suit the masses)
See you there :)
I have Torchwood: Children of Earth on DVD if you want a borrow. Can bring it with me tomorrow if so. :-)
Ooh, yes please SS!
Everyone else: huzzar!
Yay!! I should be able to get there at some point, probably after the official moment, as we tend to be asleep around then. Looking forward to it though.
Yay! Huzzah! Yay!
Have a great time.
I say old chum, have a spiffing time! Sorry I can't be there but I'm sure it will ALL BE FINE! Have fun,
Hooray for finally getting the press up to snuff! I hope the opening is fantastic--and I'm sure that after a few glasses of wine, everyone will think you're a GENIUS (if they don't already)!
Congratulations! I would come celebrate, if it weren't so far from the subway.
I'm very excited. Lily and I shall be there, just as soon as she wakes from her nap. Sadly this means we are likely to miss the official bit.
Hopefully there is still some food left...
Do you need to borrow any glassware or such like?
Looking forward to seeing pics later - and to seeing it for real in September, when I pop up to see your show. Have a great day, everyone XX
Hope the launch went well for you!
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